Saturday, September 17, 2011

sad occasions

During the course of our lives we encounter many joyful occasions as well as sad ones.  A friend of mine called me up to see if I can photograph his good friend's funeral.  At first I didn't know what to say, as I figured I couldn't get any "great" pictures during a family loss, and I felt obtrusive to be firing away when everyone was in grief.  This all changed when I spoke to the widow whose request was to record this event in an artistic manner so she can share it with her husband's family who couldn't travel to Japan, as well as document it for her 2 year old son who was too small to remember it.  She told me that there are no "don'ts" and that I could shoot as a I pleased without feelng rude. There will be moments of laughter as well as moments of crying but just go ahead.   I thought about the strong images of the Kennedy funeral I saw as a kid, and decided to take a photojournalistic approach to capture the emotion of the funeral using different camera angles, etc.   I think they came out very good and will serve as a strong documentation of a well repected husband, father, and friend who was loved by many.

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